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The Rottenstone North gold project is located within the Rottenstone Domain, a regional northeast-southwest geological corridor, that includes the past producing Rottenstone nickel-copper-platinum group elements-gold mine (Ni-Cu-PGE-Au), which from 1965-1968 produced some 26,057 tonnes of high-grade grading 3.28% Ni, 1.83% Cu and 9.63 g/t Pt+Pd+Au (Saskatchewan Mineral Deposits Index #09587).

The project is directly northwest and borders Ramp Metals Inc.’s Rottenstone SW gold project which reported multiple gold zones from discovery hole Ranger-01 that included 73.55 g/t Au and 19.50 g/t Ag over 7.5 metres from 227 m, including 182 g/t Au and 60.8 g/t Ag over 1.5 m from 230.0 metres (Ramp Metals news release dated June 17, 2024).